
Saturday mornings spent puttering around the flea market in Raleigh, North Carolina was a favorite pastime while I was a college student in 1985. The weekly excursion met my budgetary requirement (it was free) and it was a welcome diversion at the end of the week.

It was there that I met Sam Taylor, a North Carolina Forestry Service retiree and long-time seat weaver who had set up a booth dedicated to chair caning. He needed some assistance and I needed yet another part-time job…And so a mentorship-turned-friendship began.

Caning also dovetailed nicely with my philosophical preference of repairing, repurposing, recycling and other mindful ways of keeping things out of our landfills so that our children and grandchildren won’t have to deal with it later. In moving my business from Williamsburg, Virginia to Yarmouth, Maine, I’ve felt particularly gratified that so many Mainers share that philosophy.

So, if you’re conservation-minded like me, or simply want to restore a family heirloom or newly discovered treasure, I’m happy to help.

Reduce, Reuse, REPAIR, RESTORE, Recycle….. 🙂

Close up of chair seats outside
Red chair against blue wall

Call or email to arrange for an estimate. Pick-up and delivery is available.